Whether you give funds, contribute food or invest time, your support not only ensures that your neighbors have enough to eat today; it enables us to address the underlying causes of food insecurity through innovative programs, advocacy and education.
Give Funds

Every Gift Counts
Because we are able to leverage our partnerships with food donors, every dollar you give to help meet the immediate need for food provides $10 in food and services.
Other ways to give:
Monthly Giving
Memorials & Tributes
Legacy Giving
Matching Gifts
Repurpose for a Purpose
Give Food

Every Meal Matters
There are several great ways you can help OFS and involve your colleagues and community. Host a food and/or fund drive, start a workplace giving campaign or just drop off some much-needed items at our warehouse!
How you can help:
Food & Fund Drives
Hold Your Own Fundraiser
Donations from Businesses
Care Kits
Give Time

You Make An Impact
Our generous and dedicated volunteers are the backbone of our organization. It takes many helping hands to provide food and services to 200,000 people every month. The hours contributed by volunteers save our organization hundreds of thousands of dollars every year, making possible many of our free programs and services.