Looking for a sweet gift to give for Mother’s Day without breaking your budget or even leaving the house? Try out some of these adorable crafts made with household items that will sure have the Mom in your life saying “Aww!”
What you will need:
- A Fork
- Pair of Scissors
- Assorted Colors of Yarn
- Green Pipe Cleaners
- Ribbon or a Vase (optional)
- Place one green pipe cleaner parallel to the fork tines, extending the pipe cleaner at least 2-3 inches above the top of the fork.
- Begin wrapping the yarn perpendicularly around the pipe cleaner and the tines of the fork multiple times, being careful not to let the yarn slip off the fork. The more times you wrap the yarn around the fork, the fluffier your pom-pom flower will be!
- Fold down the 3-inch portion of pipe cleaner over the yarn, and carefully slide the yarn and pipe cleaner off the fork. Secure the folded pipe cleaner to the lower part of the pipe cleaner to hold your flower in place.
What you will need:
- 1-2 Medium Potatoes
- Paring Knife
- Cardstock or Construction Paper
- Paint, Washable Puff Paint or Acrylic
- Paint Brush (optional)
- First, cut the potato in half and use a paring knife and cut the desired shape of your stamp out of one half of the potato. Cut a second shape out of the other half. (Note: Adults should do the cutting of the stamp.)
- Use a paint brush to brush the paint onto the “stamp.” Alternatively, pour the paint onto a plate and dip the potato stamp into the paint.
- Carefully, press the stamp onto the cardstock or construction paper. Use the paintbrush or your finger to fill in any missed spots.
- Allow the paint to dry completely.
- Decorate your card with markers, more paint, or crayons!
What you will need:
- Cardstock or Construction Paper
- Scissors
- Ruler (optional)
- A heavy book
- Fresh flowers, stems, or leaves from outdoors!
- Clear Tape, such as Packaging Tape
- Glue stick or Fast Drying Liquid Glue
- Yarn or Twine (optional)
- First, cut the cardstock or construction paper into a 2” x 6” rectangle. Feel free to eyeball this measurement or use a ruler to be exact.
- Place the assorted flowers, leaves, and stems inside a heavy book. Press them for at least an hour or overnight.
- Once the flowers have been pressed, place a small amount of glue on the bookmark where you’d like the flower or leaf to go.
- Allow the glue to dry slightly. Cover the bookmark with the pressed flower in the clear packaging tape.
- Optional step: Cut a small hole at the top of the bookmark and thread a piece of twine or yarn through the hole. Tie a knot to create a string at the top of the bookmark!
What you will need:
- Assorted stones or rocks
- Paint, such as Acrylic or Puff Paint
- Paint brush or sponge
- Rinse the stones. Let them dry completely.
- Paint the stone with a message or a picture!
- Let dry completely.
- Give as a gift or place in your garden.
Written by: Claire Conroy, MS, RD, LD
Nutrition Education Program Coordinator, Operation Food Search