Feeding our school kids, one backpack at a time (STLToday.com)

Established in 1981, Operation Food Search (OFS) helps to feed 200,000 individuals each month who struggle with hunger and food insecurity. The nonprofit organization offers a variety of key programs including cooking classes, nutrition education and child-focused programs like Operation Backpack. OFS also sponsors the Summer Food Service Program that feeds children when they’re not in school. “Our vision is to end childhood hunger,” said Sunny Schaefer, executive director of Operation Food Search. “Operation Food Search empowers families and helps children access the food they need.”

Operation Food Search operates as a grass roots organization collecting local food to feed local people. The organization operates as a traditional food bank collecting food from all segments of the food industry and then distributing it to a network of emergency food pantries, soup kitchens and shelters. “Last year, we collected and distributed $30 million worth of food through 330 community partners and a number of member agencies,” Schaefer said…

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