Operation Food Search

Monthly Giving

Become a Hunger Healer

Join our growing community of monthly donors.

Making a difference isn’t always about the big things we do. Just as often, it’s the consistent, everyday care we provide that reaps the most rewards. When you become a Hunger Healer, you join a very special community of Operation Food Search (OFS) supporters. These valued advocates sustain our work while ensuring consistent access to the funds OFS needs to heal hunger.

You can donate on a recurring basis by designating a checking account or a credit card for your monthly contributions. Your ongoing participation—no matter how large or small—reshapes the future for children and families who rely on us for support.

The Impact of Monthly Giving

We are able to leverage our relationships with food donors so that every dollar donated provides $10 worth of food and services to kids, teens and families in our region.


Provides 18 nutritious meals.


Feeds a neighbor in need for 10 days.


Feeds someone for an entire month.


Feeds a family of four for two weeks.


Provides 40 healthy family meal kits.